Saturday, May 19, 2012

Modern Islamic Boarding School Darussalam Gontor (Pondok Pesantren Modern Darussalam Gontor), Indonesia

Modern Islamic Boarding School Darussalam Gontor (Pondok Pesantren Modern Darussalam Gontor), Indonesia
Extra-Velganzer. Day 5  was very long journey to be made through. 5 PM after “Lets Go The Mall”. Me and 2 of my best friends left a very romantic moments in Bandung “Which I Love It”. We were after another experinence to be revealed at another place, because all of us believe that there will be a heaven in another side of this world if we believe and ready to see it.
So this very early night at 11 April we head to the east. Yes, I need to pursue my dream, my littlehood dream. Eventhough I’ve never make it happen in my chilhood but I am very happy I can make it seriously –Happily-unforgettable-Amazing moments in my young-hood life today. I always believe if we dream about and we have effort blooming it that would be a very hard precious moments to be enjoyed when we can make it directly in front of our own eyes.

 Our traveling start at Cicaheum Bus terminal in West Java. Our destination is Ponorogo bus station. After waiting for about one hours finally our bus give us a sign “yes, of course iam gonna departed right now, Big Boy”. After the wheel a little bit shaking the road and the machine groaning and moaning in my ear we left Bandung with a big smile. Soon or later I am gonna see this town more and more.
Our journey with the bus will take 15 hours before it arrived at Ponorogo. We did have many experience during this travelling by bus especially when al of the passenger  get shocked when another in just very centimeter will hit our bus. Thanks god that we are safe. We left bandung and skip Nagreg, Garut, Tasikmalaya, Ciamis, Cilacap, Purwokerto, Kebumen, Temanggung, Magelang, Jogjakarta, Klaten, Solo, Karanganyar, Sragen, Ngawi,Madiun behind. And finally after passing through long night, after we spend a lot of time with sleep, we can smile bigger after finally the driver hit the brake at Ponorogo Bus Terminal.
We are not alone in Ponorogo, our kind friend came to pick up us with his car. No need to wait too long, he came with a big smile and asked us to have breakfast first before we head our main destination. Time for delicious Soto Lamongan. A delicious food for no-food all night peoples.
Modern Islamic Boarding School Darussalam Gontor (Pondok Pesantren Modern Darussalam Gontor), Indonesia
 Finish our food, we move to our destination.  This destination is very “I Would never forget that I ever been here, I even will not sleep just to enjoy this moments” place. My heart was pound when I see for the far “Welcome to The Darussalam Islamic Bording School” or famous with simple name “Gontor”. My Dreams Came True.
This place is very “something” place, is not about beauty, is about you see some incredible new place here. The people, the activity and everything was just very awesome. Not like another Islamic Boarding School, Gontor provide and offer some great value for her students to become strong, independence, smart and success. You not only read the Holy Qur’an, understanding and know the Qur’an and Hadist. They also teach you how to survive, improve your hobby, learn about responsibility, interact with another people. And so many things here to see.
Modern Islamic Boarding School Darussalam Gontor (Pondok Pesantren Modern Darussalam Gontor), Indonesia
 You will not see their force the students to learn about Islam for 24 hours. They will show you how Islam is very open minded to many things as long as it usefull and not cross the borders that already given. You can love musics, you can do sports, you can dance, you can be “Booker” Boys or whatever do you want to be as long as you can responsible to it and the most important things you never forget about your precious faith “Islam”. World should be balanced with hereafter world. I do very love this concept and that’s why I always dream to visit this place whenever I have spare time.
I love to visit this place more and more. And I don’t want to talk about this place too much, I just want you to be there, to see it live, to make your story and to decide whether all the things I said just a “Big Fat Liar” story or it is a real story. It is your turn bro…go there and fill by the experience you get.

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